UNDER 300:
1st Emma Heron Holy Cross PS Croy 5/6
2nd Arran Wallace Holy Cross PS Croy 5/6
3rd Grace Sutherland Bishopton PS 5/6
Medals for 50% and above:
5/6 Luke Volland Muckhart PS
( All the above finished 1st= and where split on tie-break (S-B scores were 21, 20, 18.5, 12.5))
4.5/6 Tavish Gangwani Hutcheson Grammar
4/6 Aiden Cunningham Bothwell PS, Cathy Madsen Bearsden CC, Gia Kohli Lenzie Chess Academy, Lewis Stirling St Aloysius College, Tommy Turner St Brides PS Bothwell, Carolina Espinosa Cancino Sacred Heart PS Girvan.
3.5/6 Alex Sevic High School of Glasgow
3/6 Lucia D’Alessio Lenzie Chess Academy, Zayd Khan High School of Glasgow, Alexander Webster Lenzie Chess Academy, Pranav Aluri Our Lady of the Missions PS Giffnock
UNDER 600:
1st Anton Sigurdarson Sciennes PS Edinburgh 6/6
2nd Murdo McLaurin Wardie PS / Fettes College Edinburgh CC 5/6
3rd Richard Zheng St Peters PS Edinburgh 3.5/6
Medals for 50% and above:
3.5/6 Alina Tang Lenzie Chess Academy, Luke Wilson Hamilton College, Abhiram Reddy St Aloysius PS Chapelhall. ( all were 3rd= but trophy decided on S-B tie-break)
3/6 Declan McClelland Lanark CC, Sophie Heron Holy Cross PS Croy, Koray Ordukaya St Brides PS Cambuslang, Alex Brimlow Cumbernauld CC
OVER 600:
1st Liam Heron Holy Cross PS Croy 4/6
2nd Matthew Billcliff Lenzie Chess Academy 4/6
3rd Martin Murphy Cumbernauld CC 4/6
( all were 1st= but split on tie-break) ( S-B scores were 12.25, 12.25, 11)
( on second tiebreak Liam and Matthew drew!!, thanks again to Matthew for offering to take 2nd place trophy, he will get another plaque with first place on it)
Medals for 50% and above:
3.5/6 Sergi MacKinlay-Vich Sciennes PS Edinburgh, Misha Ruzov Tiger Cubs Edinburgh, Mark Heron Holy Cross PS Croy.
Hamilton Junior Congress Grand Prix ( sponsored by www.helpfriendssavemoney.co.uk)
17.5 points Sahib Kohli & Sophie Heron
16.5 points Liam Heron & Marc Lees
16 points Abhiram Reddy
15 points Emma Heron & Tavish Gangwani
Total of 111 players.